Blog 10
Social media may have originally been thought to be an outlet for socializing with close friends, but it has outgrown that limited role. Social media is now a billion dollar industry that companies will pay to advertise to its users. Social media has also become so commonplace that employers are now looking into potential candidate’s accounts before hiring. Countless stories have surfaced over the years of applicants not being hired because of what they have posted online. Not only have applicants been hurt by what they post, but people who have already landed the job have been fired over their inappropriate posts. Some of those posts have included inappropriate rants, foul language, drugs, alcohol, or illicit actions. Not only have many people lost their jobs because of a post, but many have been thrusted into the spotlight and been publicly shamed for their inappropriate actions and resulting consequences. It’s crazy to think that the 2 minutes it took you to post a pic or type a co...