Blog 13
Class this week revolved around the topic of slacktivism. This term is used to refer to the phenomenon whereby people put in minimal effort, generally through the medium of the internet, to help with a cause. People tend to still get a good feeling from there minimal effort because they feel like they have made a sufficient contribution to the cause. Therein lies the problem. Most of the time their minimal effort is not enough to generate a change. The question that remains is: is it better to have millions of slacktivists or thousands of activists? Slacktivism is no doubt great at raising awareness about issues. People seem to have no problem sitting behind their computer or phone and retweeting or sharing posts about charity events. GoFundMe pages and other major charity organizations looking to raise money garner millions of shares on social media platforms each year. However, out of the millions that share the article or link to donate, only a small percentage actually contri...